Dear Percy…This is for you :)

Fiery bubbling rage masked under a foppish facade
the dim-witted exterior served better than most disguise

A poker face, emotionless as a stone
the mask of his fooled her no more

Rising from the ashes as a phoenix might
her love for him weathered all struggle and plight

Both their foolish ego and pride
had greatly widened the divide

But their true love ousted all barriers
And they ended up as they should
Marguerite St. Just in the strong arms of her doting husband, Sir Percy Blakeney

This was an attempt at embodying the relationship that remained at the crux of one of my favorite novels, The Scarlet Pimpernel. A book that had the teenage me dreaming countless nights about finding someone as daring, dashing, mysterious and at the same time caring and tender as the one and only ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’.  It’s true I have remained unsuccessful in the search of my very own Percy till now…But I haven’t given up! The search is still on!

Romantic proposals and all that snazz !

Guess what the first post on my Facebook timeline was… not  hard to guess considering the title, yup, pictures of two childhood sweethearts and their mushy story of love leading up to what most girls (read me) can only dream of ” the bent on one knee proposal” with scenic stuff in the backdrop. There were cute puppies, a lake and lush greenery all captured by a candid photographer hidden in the bushes.

I think this is the closest I’ll ever get to fairy tales because my Prince Charming seems to have suffered from a stroke of dementia or something. Or is his existence just a figment of my imagination?Why do some girls have more than one and some none? \

Haha… I sincerely hope this is not the case, what with my luck it might just be true 😐